THERE are still places available on the Stratford Community Sports Centre holiday courses - but they are filling up fast.

Phone up today or just send in a yellow enrolment form to avoid disappointment.

To bring in the New Year, Stratford Hockey Club is hosting its third fun camp from January 2-4.

Go along to try out a range of activities including games, skill drills, matches, videos, penalty competition and a quiz. Any boys and girls aged 8-15 are welcome and equipment can be provided.

The course is led by qualified EHA coaches and runs from 10am to 4pm each day at a cost of just £30.

Following the success of their last two workshops, Carpe Diem Theatre present Extreme II to be held on Thursday, January 3.

This day-long fun workshop will give youngsters between eight and 21 the opportunity to try basic circus skills and performance. Skills such as juggling, diablo, plate spinning, devil sticks, acrobatics and clowning will be by circus and theatre professionals.

There is still time to book your place on this exciting course which runs from 10.30am to 4.30pm and costs just £15.

For details of all activities and a booking form contact the centre manager on 01789 267661 or pop into the centre and pick up a yellow form.