THE latest in a series of plans for farm developments on the edge of Malvern has been thrown out by Malvern Hills District Council.

Farmer John Bullock, of Mill Farm, Guarlford Road, applied to construct a series of farm buildings off Mill Lane, not far from the town sewage works.

His plan included two machinery stores, an office building, a storage building, a general-purpose building, grain store and a cattle shed on the 2.4 hectare site. Mr Bullock also made a separate application for a farmhouse on the site.

A previous scheme for a farm complex on a site near the Green Dragon pub, Guarlford Road, was refused permission in August following opposition which included over 500 letters of objection.

The current plan drew more than 330 letters of objection and 11 of support. Guarlford Parish Council opposed the scheme, saying the buildings would spoil the views to and from the hills, and would ruin the attractive approach to Malvern.

At a meeting of the southern area planning sub-committee on Monday, officers recommended refusal, saying the proposal would be "unduly prominent in the landscape", vehicles would disturb nearby residents and it could increase flood risk around Guarlford Road.

Despite a letter from Mr Bullock's agent requesting deferral, members voted to refuse planning permission.

They also discussed Mr Bullock's plans for Mill Farm itself, which involve converting the Grade II listed farm buildings into eight dwellings and building houses on land between it and Campion Drive.

Both were refused permission because of problems with the access on to Guarlford Road. However, a listed building application for the farm conversion was granted.

Mr Bullock has submitted another outline plan for developing housing behind Mill Farm. Representations on that plan have to be sent to MHDC by January 3.

Mark Jones, landlord of the Green Dragon, said: "We are pleased that it has been turned down again and we just hope that if Mr Bullock persists with his plans, he'll find a more suitable place than this beautiful entrance to Malvern."