DEAR EDITOR - Through the Advertiser/Messenger I would like to highlight an issue that is causing concern regarding car parking near a local first school in Bromsgrove.

I have, along with many others, used the Sugarbrook public house car park whilst briefly dropping off/collecting my children from Charford First School.

Last week, parents received a letter from the school's head teacher, informing us of a possible clamping system that was being installed at the Sugarbrook to prevent parents using the car park.

This has now caused a great deal of extra traffic, hazardous parking and congestion in both Lyttleton Avenue and Charford Road, putting the safety of the school children at risk from the increased traffic.

Could the management of the Sugarbrook pub say why they object to us parking on the car park on a school day, and when it is empty anyway?

Surely, if deliveries were the reason, then this area could be prohibited rather than the whole car park.

Isn't the Sugarbrook a part of the Charford community?

What happened to community spirit?

Children are our future.

I look forward to their response, and the views of others.


(Name and address supplied)