NEW president Sue Canfield welcomed members and visitors to the December meeting.

In keeping with tradition, everyone enjoyed a glass (or two!) of hot punch, prepared and served by Trixie Healey and Pat Warby.

Members discussed a letter from WFWI regarding the new constitution, Carol Ross reported on the group meeting hosted by Naunton Beauchamp and Bernadette Jones told members about future outings.

Arrangements for the new year dinner at the Bulls Head Inn were finalised.

The speaker for the evening, Jenny Thwaites, whose subject was Artistry in Wool, showed members a selection of her amazing knitting techniques.

Mrs Thwaites designs and knits her own patterns and her pictures included Chinese scenes with Samurai warriors and Chinese temple dogs, wild birds on ponds and trees and views of the Cotswolds.

Members then spent a happy and traditional Christmas time playing games and singing carols.