ACCESS for the disabled in Malvern could be improved thanks to a new joint approach.

Malvern Access Group is working with Worcestershire Highways Partnership to identify the main areas for improvement.

Mike Davis, of the Highways Partnership, said that the first phase would be the installation of crossings with dropped kerbs in Orford Way and Madresfield Road.

Improvements are also proposed at the junction of Madresfield Road, Langland Avenue and Sher-rard's Green Road, including the installation of a toucan crossing - a signal-controlled crossing which is designed for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Mr Davis said: "The need for improved crossing facilities has been identified and there are plans to construct a toucan crossing in 2002, subject to funding being available.

"It's hoped that the access group will be able to prioritise requests for further improvements so that resources can be used most effectively."

Malvern Access Group would like to hear from members of the public to help identify and prioritise further work.

"If we contact businesses as a group our voices are harder to ignore," said Viv Owens, for the action group.

"Are there kerbs which need lowering to help you reach your local shops or services? We have had a good response to our request for information but we need to hear from lots of residents, so that work is planned to meet as many needs as possible."

The objective of the group is to achieve quality of access for all, which can include those without normally recognised disabilities such as a mother with a pram.

It also includes those with a sensory disability.

Details should be send to Diane Bellamy or Viv Owens c/o Community Action, Third Floor, 29-30 Belle View Terrace, Malvern WR14 4PZ or at