January 12, 1952

TO encourage the recruitment of volunteers by giving the public an insight into the workings of civil defence, the Redditch Civil Defence Corps are staging a demonstration on the car park, Alcester Street, at 6.30pm next Saturday, January 19th.

The situation that the Chief Warden, Mr CJF Fox, hopes to simulate is that there has been a sudden air attack on the Midlands before the declaration of war and the local civil defence organisation is caught completely unawares.

An atom bomb has been exploded to the north of Redditch and the car park will represent just one corner of the resulting damage.

With hostile aircraft in the vicinity, the local Civil Defence Force go into immediate action with the main objective of saving life.

The demonstration will depict wardens fighting minor fires with stirrup pumps while the Redditch Fire Brigade tackle major outbreaks and carry out the rescue of people trapped in flames.