I WOULD like to comment on the two rather "nit-picking" letters referring to Dr Richard Taylor's parliamentary activities, from Mr Tony Clay and Mrs CM Jones, printed in Shuttle/Times & News of December 20.

Firstly, with regard to Mr Clay's derogatory remarks at our MP's "lack of action" and "not knowing what he stands for" - he stands for his constituents and their needs.

Dr Taylor is not an experienced politician. He was catapulted into office by the desperate people of Kidderminster and district to try to stem the tide of disintegrating health care in their district - the result of the policies of the two major parties who (according to Mr Clay) know what they stand for.

Secondly, I refer to Mrs Jones's remarks that Dr Taylor's "niceness" will not help him to be effective.

Has she not noticed that the tide is turning regarding Kidderminster Hospital?

Also, across the country other health authorities have made their stand against Government proposals. Dr Taylor has inspired many in his quiet, nice, gentlemanly manner.

We don't want him turning into your average loud, mud-slinging, yarn-spinning politician thank you.


Spinney Close
