FRESH proposals for traffic calming costing £200,000 and aimed at cutting child casualties in Bewdley have finally been given the green light.

Worcestershire County Council has won a £223,000 grant from the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions - part of a nationwide £3.5million package - to make Cleobury Road and its surrounding residential streets safer, especially for children attending St Anne's first and middle schools.

Two 20mph zones, one to the north and one to the south of Cleobury Road, will be created and Cleobury Road, Winbrook and Welch Gate are to get road humps, zebra crossings and chicanes to enforce the 30mph speed limit.

A working group consisting of town councillors, police, chamber of commerce, a resident's representative and the county council finalised the scheme after previous proposals were thrown out following public opposition.

Construction is expected to start in the summer.