REFERRING to your item about the continuation of the outer route system and completion of an orbital system for Worcester, on behalf of a constituent in Lower Wick, Worcester, I can say that the engineering department has given some answers regarding widening the road from Powick island to the Whittington island.

This would require a feasibility study, with costs for a wider river bridge at the Clerkenleap location and a widened underpass to the railway bridge near Norton.

There would also need to be an assessment of the environmental impact of the route going across the Severn Valley to A449 North Link Road and its effect on village life and wildlife habitats and so on.

Public participation is vital, as any route will have a bearing on the quality of life for the countryside. My request for more information will be made, but it is not just a line on a piece of paper that is at stake.

The environmental impact, should the public wish route completion, must be considered.


Bedwardine Ward,
