A TREASURE trove of toys belonging to a Ripple-based playgroup is in danger of being put out of children's reach.

Ripple Rompers meet every Thursday at Ripple Parish Hall, from 1pm to 2.45pm, but dwindling numbers have led organisers to consider shutting its doors permanently.

"It would be a great shame, because it's so well-stocked with toys," said treasurer Lisa Carter, whose children William, aged four, and Molly, nearly two, will soon by joined at the group by three-week-old Tess.

"We've got a whole range of toys suitable for babies to pre-school children. Arty stuff, books, puzzles, games, kitchen equipment and anything you can think of."

The group, which is open to children below school age, has been meeting in its present format for four years and has enough money to continue until summer if new members are found to come and join in the fun. At the moment there are only eight members, including Tess.

More information on joining is available from Mrs Carter on 01684 594934 or Karina Faulkner on 01684 594933.