IN regard to Mr Bills-Geddes' article about the proposed skateboard park (Ledbury Reporter, January 4), this is a fine idea that would benefit Ledbury youth immensely.

Skateboarding is a sport that has been around officially since 1959 when the first Roller Derby Skateboard was sold. However, homemade skateboards involving crates, nails and wheels have been rolling around since the early 1900s. This is not a sport that is going away.

It breeds a creative culture in its participants and is one of the only sports that boys and girls can participate in on the same "pitch".

A skateboard park would give our youth an option to be physically active without having to be competitive. It would also help to promote a feeling of belonging for youth within the community.

Good luck to the mayor, Phillip Bettington, and his expostulatory endeavour.

Guy Malkerson, Church Lane, Ledbury.