OFSTED inspectors have praised Broadway First School for taking to heart recommendations made in its report of 1999.

Then they criticised the leadership, and said standards should be higher, but now the tables are turned.

The inspectors said the school had addressed all the issues from the previous inspection through careful planning and diligent work.

They said pupils of all ages and abilities made good progress in most areas and had a very positive attitude towards their work. Teaching was good, the curriculum was interesting and the school was well led and managed.

Head teacher Michael Appleby said: "The report is a reflection of our development over the past two years. What is pleasing is it recognises that all pupils make good progress and achieve well.

"I would like to thank the staff for their unstinting devotion in making this school a provider of good quality education."

The only areas identified by the inspectors for improvement were speaking and listening, more use of computers to support literacy and numeracy learning, and improving information on reception year children's progress.

Mr Appleby said: "These areas will be the focus for further improvement in the near future."

Chairman of governors Canon Peter Burch said: "I am delighted to express my warm appreciation for this report.

"It is most encouraging to note we have made very good improvement since 1999."