IT was a sorry situation indeed that your correspondent Mr Whickham (Your Letters, January 4) had not obtained factual information regarding Herefordshire Council and its performance.

The time taken to decide where to relocate the public toilets in Ledbury was due to the number of proposed sites to be considered. While most of us wish to have access to such facilities, no one wants to live next door to them.

Best value facts. Hereford Council is in the lowest 10 per cent in receipt of Government funding, yet Ofsted rate Herefordshire LEA in the top 5 per cent. Social Services (care of children) obtained a three star rating for best value, the only authority in the country to do so.

Since Herefordshire split from Worcestershire, the amount of money spent on road repairs has increased fourfold. An independent DETR report stated that they considered Herefordshire Council to be a pace setter for improvement and good value.

I am proud to say that all local democratically elected councillors, irrespective of political views, wish to see Herefordshire and indeed Ledbury town, become a better place in which to live.

If we are not doing a reasonable job, as is suggested by your correspondent, I am sure the electorate will let us know at the next election.

I look forward to seeing your correspondent's name on the candidature list.

Incidentally, Herefordshire has the lowest Council Tax in the West Country.

Barry Ashton, Herefordshire councillor for Ledbury, Old Church Road, Colwall.