AN angry hunt spokesman has accused a Government Minister of being "spineless and gutless" after he cancelled a visit to Worcester.

Alistair Darling, the Secretary of State of Work and Pensions, was due to open a new office block in King's Court, near the new hospital yesterday.

But Worcestershire Hunt spokesman, Bob Brierley said he believed Mr Darling had cancelled his visit because he knew the hunt supporters would be there.

The pro-hunters were due to present a letter to Mr Darling as part of their campaign to fight for the survival of hunting, but Mr Darling cancelled his engagement.

"He's spineless, gutless and has a lack of moral fibre," said Mr Brierley.

"We wanted to hand him a letter expressing our anger and how a ban on hunting would leave hunt members out of work.

"Most Ministers have their diaries booked months in advance."

Worcester MP Mike Foster opened the new Atkins building instead.

Representatives from the Countryside Alliance, Worcestershire Hunt and the union of country workers held a silent vigil in Newtown Road by the Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

"Mr Darling pulled out of the opening before there was any indication of pro-hunters being there," said Eric Beech, media relations manager for Atkins.