A NOTORIOUS alcoholic was sent to prison hours after his life was saved.

Anthony Wynne, known as Sid, appeared in court yesterday with electro cardiac massage terminals still attached to his chest.

Worcester's magistrates court heard he suffered a cardiac arrest following his arrest in Worcester city centre.

Wynne, aged 38, was in breach of his anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) when police spotted him on Tuesday, April 30.

"Officers on duty in the city centre saw the defendant in The Cross," said Abi Nixon, prosecuting.

"It was clear he was drunk. They were made aware of his ASBO and he was arrested."

Charles Hamer, defending, told the court that there was a struggle during the arrest.

"He reacted in a way to resist that arrest," said Mr Hamer.

"He was tackled to the ground and bumped and bruised one side of his body.

"He became unconscious and was taken to hospital where he was detained for some hours.

"It appears that in the hospital his heart stopped. He's now got the terminals attached to him where he's had electro cardiac massage to restart his heart.

"He's not a well man. Much of his illness is due to many years of heavy drinking."

Wynne, of Linden Road, Tolladine, was made the subject of an ASBO in June 2001 after repeat offending.

He breached the order in August and was sentenced to 28 days' imprisonment.

On Monday, March 11 officers arrested Wynne for being drunk and begging in a public place.

He was released on bail but re-offended this week.

Conditions of the ASBO stated that he could not be drunk in a public place, could not beg and could not consume intoxicating liquor within the city walls.

He was sentenced to 16 weeks in jail.