A CITY flood campaigner received a round of applause after quizzing a Minister about sewerage.

Mary Dhonau, chairman of Worcester Action Against Floods, took part in a seminar on flooding at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

Floods Minister Elliot Morley was also present, along with 36 MPs, including Mike Foster, representatives from the Environment Agency and other flood groups.

"There were about 200 people in all," said Mrs Dhonau, who lives in Waverley Street, Diglis, Worcester.

"Elliot Morley was very impressive, he was very informed.

He cared

"He also cared and knew people's flooding stories.

"I asked him a question concerning the state of sewers."

She said she told Mr Morley that most of the country's sewerage infrastructure was of the Victorian era and that more and more flooding was caused by sewage.

"I wanted to know what power the Government had to make water boards invest in upgrading sewers," she added.

"We don't want what happened to us to happen nationwide. I got a round of applause. Sewer flooding is devastating and is affecting more people."

Peter Barnett, the chairman of the Bewdley Residents Flood Committee also attended the seminar, which was also to launch the National Floods Forum, of which he is also chairman.