A drug addict who robbed an 81-year-old widow of her handbag in the street has been jailed for four-and-a- half years at Worcester Crown Court.

Ian Fidoe watched Joyce Wright collect her pension before engaging her in conversation.

He then wrenched the bag containing £125 and sentimental personal items from her hand and ran off, said Michael Garrett, prosecuting.

Fidoe, 30, of Victoria Place, Kidderminster, also burgled a neighbour's home, stealing goods worth £550, and raiding another house in the same week as the robbery to feed his heroin habit.

He pleaded guilty to robbing Mrs Wright outside the Lister Road post office in Kidderminster and admitted the two house raids.

Judge John Cavell said he had to pass a substantial sentence for targeting a pensioner. But he accepted it was a snatch rather than a violent attack.

Fidoe, who had been living with his mother in Victoria Place, stole goods from a neighbour's home while the owner was out, said Mr Garrett.

He sold some of the stolen goods to another resident and these were later recovered by police.

Three days later on February 14 this year he committed the robbery. Mrs Wright was left scared and distressed. Afterwards, she disliked being on her own and needed medication to sleep.

Fidoe then broke into the unoccupied home of a man he knew in Kidderminster and stole a TV. He was arrested a few days later and confessed to the robbery and the raids.

Mr Garrett said he told police he "felt bad" about his crime against the OAP and had sent her a letter of apology. He had a record for burglary, theft and deception.

Defence counsel Peter Hodson said he had expressed genuine remorse.

He expected custody and ruled out as unrealistic a drug treatment and testing order.