MINISTERS are to face a Westminster grilling over controversial plans to build a massive asylum seekers' centre in a tiny Worcestershire village.

Mid Worcestershire MP Peter Luff has secured a House of Commons adjournment debate on the Home Office's decision to build a 750-bed accommodation centre at RAF Throckmorton.

Mr Luff will use the Thursday night debate to demand compensation for householders who fear the plan will wipe thousands of pounds off the value of their homes.

He will call for the Government to buy the homes of anyone who wants to sell-up and leave.


The Conservative MP will also demand the withdrawal of a controversial remark made by Asylum Minister Lord Rooker when he confirmed Throckmorton had been chosen to house the centre last week.

Lord Rooker provoked fury when he said rural communities must face-up to their "responsibility" in tackling the country's asylum problem.

"In my 10 years in Parliament I don't think

I can recall an occasion when any Government has pursued such a wrong-headed and unfair policy, said Mr Luff.

"Although I will be pursuing all the arguments we have used to fight this idea - that it is bad for the asylum seekers, unfair on the local community and contrary to democratic planning policy - I will particularly emphasise the need to help the families in the immediate vicinity of the airfield.

"No one there can now sell their homes as a direct and exclusive result of two separate Government decisions - the foot-and-mouth burial site and the proposed asylum centre.

"There is an absolute and unqualified obligation of the Government to buy the houses of any family that wishes to sell.

"I will also ask the Minister to withdraw the very hurtful suggestion made by Lord Rooker that it was time for Throckmorton to share the burden of coping with the asylum crisis.

"Throckmorton has already borne too many burdens on behalf of the rest of us, and the time has come to leave the place in peace."

West Worcestershire MP Sir Michael Spicer, who is also opposing the scheme, is expected to join Mr Luff at the 7pm debate.

A Home Office Minister, likely to be Angela Eagle, will be asked to respond to the points raised by the MPs.