I HAVE followed with increasing incredulity the escalating debate in the Your Letters regarding dog faeces on the Hills. I am in full agreement with Sheila Llewellyn (Your Letters, April 26), who points out that "a stranger to the area... would imagine the hills are completely awash with it".

I am a stranger to the area and must point out to your readers and residents that one of the primary reasons my family and I chose Malvern for our relocation was its cleanliness in comparison to our previous location. Indeed, your readers should be grateful for the advantages of this beautiful area; it defies the imagination what their reaction would be if they saw the streets of the less-than-delightful seaside resort from which we moved with considerable relief. There, dogs roam the streets at will.

I rarely take my dogs onto the Hills, as Malvern Link Common is more convenient, yet on those enjoyable occasions when my family and I have ventured forth we tend to find more of interest in the spectacular scenery and wildlife than counting doggie dollops! Before the unrestrained wrath of the anti-dog brigade descends upon my unprotected head, I should emphases my canine chums deposit their waste in the privacy of my garden where I, of course, dispose of it cleanly and hygienically.

Instead of indulging in unproductive debate, it occurs to me that perhaps these people should turn their attention to urging the provision of adequate disposal facilities for dog mess on the Hills and indeed surrounding areas.

Perhaps they should also count the blessings achieved through living in this glorious area because it occurs to me from following this vituperative correspondence that really, they do not know they are born. There is so much to appreciate in the Malvern area; why not focus on this rather than the occasional pile of dog mess.

Or perhaps the publication of this influx of correspondence has proved a convenient distraction from the previous rather more political and provocative debate regarding a preponderance of assorted councils and the exorbitant rates of Council Tax?

MRS LINDA LINCOLN, Newtown Road, Malvern.