A NEW Worcester-based theatre company, Rabble, is bringing its first show to Bromyard on Friday, May 24.

Made up of two short plays, Dali and the Dreamcatcher is enjoying a short tour around the area before travelling to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for a week-long residency.

A surreal interpretation of the life and work of egotistical Spanish artist Salvidor Dali, the first piece uses images from his paintings, fragments of his writing and incidents from his life.

Using music, movement and text Dali explores the nature of art and the artist's relationship with his work, against a backdrop of his relationship with his wife, Gala, and his own self-obsession.

The Dreamcatcher follows an action-packed journey deep inside our minds using shadows and silhouettes to tap into our instinctive fears and most intense hopes.

It is a new play combining a blend of acting and dance with original film footage and an exhilarating soundtrack.

Rabble leader Paul Healey said its aim is to improve people's access to and participation in the performing arts in Worcester and surrounding areas.

These first pieces will be performed by young people from the Worcester area, several of whom currently are studying on the HND in Performing Arts at Worcester College of Technology

In order to finance the project Rabble has applied for lottery funding and is seeking sponsorship from local businesses. Anyone is interested in either booking a performance or sponsoring the project can ring Billy Craythorne on 07776 370855 or Paul Healy on 01886 821939 (after 6pm).

Dali and the Dreamcatcher is on at the Conquest Theatre at 8pm on May 24, tickets £5/£4 from box office on 01885 488575.