I STILL do not understand why we in Ledbury have had parking permits stopped to the general public.

Only if you are over 60 can you have the old permit, but of course, if you have £110 you can have a parking permit. But my mind cannot work out what's going on?

Herefordshire Council say cars are not welcome in Ledbury and parking has to be restricted i.e. only give permits to over 60s. But 60 per cent of residents of Ledbury are over 60. Who are they fooling?

Then, by the way if you pay £110 we will give you a permit. Is this not discrimination? Are you not discriminating by age and wealth. They are hardly stopping cars coming into Ledbury are they?

But they are stopping people who are poor and struggling to run a car.

A R BRADFORD, Miller Craddock Way, Ledbury.