WORCESTERSHIRE countryside lovers are being invited to take part in a farm walk next week to look at ways in which farmland can be managed to encourage butterflies.

Worcestershire Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) is inviting the public to join in the walk during its annual Farm Walk Week event.

Sponsored by Worcester chartered surveyors Harris Lamb, the walk is part of an annual, nation-wide initiative by FWAG.

Visitors will be shown how retaining and creating habitats such as ponds, woodlands, field margins and hedgerows will attract butterflies to the farm.

After the walk, each guest will be given a leaflet by Butterfly Conservation and further information about FWAG's work.

Good work on farms

"After last year's foot-and-mouth crisis, this will be a great opportunity to visit a farm and see the good work that's being undertaken by farmers," said a FWAG spokeswoman.

Julie Dadson, Worcestershire FWAG Farm Conservation Adviser, will lead the walk on Thursday, June 20, around Church Farm in Grafton Flyford, near Pershore.

She will be looking at how the habitat has been maintained and developed to boost the butterfly population and how regular farming practices can be adapted to suit butterflies.

Walkers should meet at 2.30pm in the car park opposite the farm.

Anyone interested in joining the two-hour walk should bring appropriate footwear and contact the FWAG office on 01905 362955.