PRESIDENT Sue Canfield welcomed members and visitors to the June meeting and thanked everyone for their help at the cake stall held in the marquee as part of the Jubilee celebrations.

Joan Latham reported on her attendance at the Lucy Hingley Lecture which dealt with Deep Vein Thrombosis. Stella Wallis told members about the Science Club visit to Wyre Forest and also reported on the Community Council meeting and its efforts to obtain Lottery funding to help improve facilities at the Village Hall.

A letter had been received from Jackie Gregory thanking everyone for the tremendous response to the appeal for shoeboxes filled with items for ladies and children in the Gambia.

Members were reminded that the July speaker from the Elizabeth Svenson Trust would be pleased to collect used postage stamps towards the charity.

Speaker for the evening was Michael Ecob who designed and worked in the garden which had once belonged to the Chief Constable for West Mercia, Sir Geoffrey Dear.

He showed slides and described the garden during all periods of the year, from the beautiful flowers in Spring to the golden leaves of Autumn.

As a special event at refreshment time members congratulated Betty Wilkes on her 50 years as a member of Inkberrow WI and a cake was presented to her, made by Carol Ross, which all members enjoyed.

Betty then told everyone many interesting and amusing stories of the Institute, as it was 50 years ago and how things have changed.