ARTS THEATRE CLUB: At the final meeting of the season the speaker was Dorothy Norman who gave an amusing talk entitled Music and Me. Members were treated to recordings of choral music in which she had been soloist, as well as anecdotes about her operatic encounters with nationally well-known singers and brief snatches of live singing.

The next season will start on Friday, September 20, at St Agatha's Hall at 7.30pm when June Firkins will talk on Life in a Victorian Family. In the meantime summer outings have been arranged to Gloucester Cathedral and Nature in Art at Twigworth, to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens and also the trip to Chavenage. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Contact Ann Buckley on 01386 860014 for details about future events.

STRAWBERRY FAIR: Holy Redeemer School, Priest Lane, Pershore, on June 28 at 6pm. There will be games for all, a barbecue, bouncy castle, tombola and a raffle, plus much more. Please come along and join in the fun.

Holy Redeemer School was holding an open day from 2pm to 3pm today (Thursday), all are welcome.

ARTHRITIS RESEARCH CAMPAIGN: Are holding their annual garden party on Saturday from 2pm to 4pm at Upper Brookend Farm, Brookend Lane, Kempsey, off the A38.

FLOWER AND CRAFT SHOW: Are now circulating programmes, schedules and entry forms for this year's show which will take place on Saturday, August 10, from 1pm to 5pm at the Angel Hotel, Riverside Gardens, High Street, Pershore, by kind permission of Mr Juan Mendez. Programmes and schedules are available in most shops in town.

FRIENDS OF PERSHORE COTTAGE HOSPITAL: Invite you to a summer barbecue pig roast at The Star in Pershore, with music provided by the Oxford classical jazz band. Tickets are £12.50 and the evening begins at 7pm. Tickets are available from The Star Inn, Bridge Street, and the Cottage Hospital, 013896 502070 and ask for Chris Jones.

They also held their coffee morning at St Andrews Church Hall. The morning was well attended and the annual raffle was drawn. The prizes, which had been donated by local business people, were also drawn and the many prizes distributed. A big thank you to all who supported the event.

CANINE FRIENDS - Garden Party: The seventh annual draw will take place on Sunday at the garden party which is being held from 2 to 4pm at 63 Cherry Orchard. Everyone welcome.

The recent Animal Charities Fair, held at Peopleton, was well attended and around £1,600 was made. This amount includes all the proceeds from the different charities and Canine Friends. Thanks goes to all who helped to raise funds and for all the supporters who attended, making the fair such a success.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR THE BEREAVED: Meets at Voluntary Help Centre, 16 Priest Lane, on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm.

The meetings are informal, and mostly providing an opportunity for mutual support. For further details contact the Voluntary Help Centre.

TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD: The vice-chairman, Mrs Meller, took the June meeting and was saddened to have to begin by asking members to observe a minute's silence in memory of Mrs P Talbot-Smith, a committee member, who had died suddenly.

Two new members were welcomed, Mrs Wilton and Mrs Pendry.

The outing to the Nature in Art Museum had been enjoyable and future outings planned include a visit on July 18 to Springhill Farm, at Lower Moor, for a strawberry tea in aid of this year's charity (£5) and the annual outing will now be in August to Broughton Castle. Mrs Meller was pleased to announce that a donation of £100 had been received from an anonymous donor towards the charity and wished to thank this member for such a generous gift.

Mrs Beale read letters of thanks for cards and support from Misses M Rice and D Wright, also Mesdames Dallimore, Powell and Hartnett.

Mrs Meller gave the Federation AGM report when Mrs A Brown had been congratulated on winning the Federation Scrabble final and who now goes on to compete in the National finals. Mrs S Simons came second.

The Literary Appreciation Group will meet on July 1, when they will discuss London by Edward Rutherfurn. Later members discussed two resolutions to be debated at the NCM next week, then Mr T Bateson gave a short talk on the work of the County Air Ambulance, this year's Charity.

The choir sang four songs. Mrs Banbury, their Conductor, Mrs Horstmann, pianist, and the choir, were warmly thanked by the Vice-Chairman.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 2, in Wulstan Hall at 10am when there will be a talk on the work of Citizen Advocacy by Mrs V Page-Lloyd.

The sales table will be Home Baking. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

FILM AT NO 8: Pershore and District Film Society, Saturday and Sunday, Amelia, Cert 15, 2hrs. 7.30pm start on both evenings.

NUMBER 8 GALLERY: Angelic Landscapes and Interiors. An exhibition of paintings by Kate Wrigglesworth. Monday June 17 to Saturday July 6.