INACCURACIES in your report of Thursday, June 13 do little to help the people of Bewdley properly understand what's going on with the Bewdley traffic-calming issue.

Bewdley Town Council did not call for the scheme. It arose directly through the county council responding to a Government award for 20mph zones, and associated traffic calming/child casualty reduction, incorporating measures to address concerns raised as part of an earlier Safer Routes to School Challenge Survey for St Anne's First School.

It is wrong to say 80 per cent of residents voted against the project.

The Bewdley electorate is 7,501. A total of 1, 687 (22.5per cent) voted in the parish poll which meant 5,814 (77.5 per cent) did not vote.

Voting for the full scheme were 276 (16.4 per cent of the poll). There were 201 votes (11.9 per cent) for no scheme. A partial scheme won 1,099 votes (65.1 per cent). Miscellaneous choices accounted for 111 votes (6.6 per cent).

The vote of 1,099 for a partial scheme is 14.65 per cent Bewdley residents entitled to vote.

If Councillor Stephen Clee has called for an emergency meeting of the town council,your report was the first I've heard of it.


Mayor of Bewdley

Telford Drive
