WHAT did Steve Groome (Shuttle/Times and News Letters, June 13) wish to achieve by his unsubstantiated assertions and descent into emotive populism of the worst kind?

Mr Groome's behaviour contrasts with those he attacks, who have not stooped to personal abuse, and who have been careful to research the facts and issues presented to Bewdley voters on the controversial traffic-calming scheme.

In particular, they received personal assurances from the Department of Transport that a smaller scheme would be considered.

Of course, children's safety is important and those who have campaigned against the county council's proposed scheme are seeking to achieve this in the context of a more balanced approach which delivers safer journeys to school but reduces the negative impact which an over-use of road humps would cause.

Your readers should be assured that the campaigners, vilified by Mr Groome, are people of integrity who care about the community as a whole.


Park Lane
