VOLUNTEERS and potential trainees are helping rebuild a Cotswold style drys-tone wall parish boundary on Bredon Hill.

The project is part of an ongoing scheme by national environm-ental charity BTCV through the Worce-stershire Community Projects Office and which started in 1999.

"We are pleased to have received funding from the Midlands Environmental Fund and Wychavon District Council, as well as Kemerton Conser-vation Trust, to help carry out this work," said project officer Alex Morley.

"Bredon Hill's walls are the only example of drystone walling in the county, and the distinct character of the Cotswold limes-tone is reflected in the homes and gardens, buildings and boun-daries of the area."

It's not all hard work for the volunteers. "This is a smashing place to soak up the view, learn a bit about geology and the limestone loving pl-ants, and enjoy a well-deserved barbecue in the sun," Mr Morley said.