I read with interest your lead letter last week from Sara Pickering regarding her view that Evesham is so quiet. Many of the retailers in town were amazed at this statement as Evesham, over the past few weeks, has seen an increase in visitors who are buying and not just looking. Try parking a car in the car parks!

Evesham is like many other small towns providing a choice of product and service that is not seen in the retail parks. My wife and I were on holiday last week and visited a couple of these parks and whilst they offer a service, much of the goods they sell can be obtained locally and at a lower price.

Just because it is a factory outlet, it does not mean that the goods are any cheaper. Fifty per cent off sometimes means it has been put on in the first place!

The local people support this town well and if Sara is having problems then perhaps she is not offering them what they want. Her suggestion that the shops should open on a Sunday is one that has been considered before but has always proved to be un-economical.

We retailers work hard enough and Sunday is often the only day we get off since the advent of 24 hour shopping!

Keep up the good work all fellow retailers as we offer this town a good service and it is with confidence most of us are looking forward to the rest of the summer.

John Stych, Buntys of Evesham.