WE must decide who is more important in Upton. Is it business and profit, or people and their quality of life?

Upton is, and has been, a thriving town where a few short-term summer events boost local trade.

There are more pubs and eating places than we can really use, a modest selection of gift/tourist shops, and a range of well supported food, clothes and services outlets. Physically the number of shop sites is severely limited to what we have now. The present range of commercial outlets adequately supports the needs of the local community and the current level of tourist activity.

Any significant increase in the level of commercial activity, as eagerly anticipated by interests supporting the Marina and holiday village development, will upset the complementary balance of private and business interests.

We must retain Upton as being a town primarily oriented towards the interests of its residents, who are well served but not dominated by its commercial interests. To change Upton into a town where the overriding motivation is the development of commercial interests and bigger profits for a few, will be to the detriment of the residents and upset the present fine balance, where people are first and business interests second.

Beware the Marina extension and holiday village. It will destroy your town and the quality of life in the surrounding area, whilst benefiting absent Plc's and possibly a few local traders.

M D Ostick, The Beeches, Holly Green, Upton-upon-Severn.