PARENTING charity, Parentline Plus would like to respond to the recent report that indicated Sex and Relationships Education does not in itself stop teenage pregnancy.

In response to this, we would like to wholeheartedly agree with our colleagues in the field who suggest that Sex and Relationships Education is a complex issue which needs more than just school-based lessons.

Parents also play a vital role in educating their children about the issues surrounding sexual relations and we feel it is imperative to encourage and support them to open up communication on this subject as early as possible.

Research from other charities, organisations and Government suggest that children and young people want to talk to their parents about sex, which is why organisations like Parentline Plus and fpa are working to achieve this.

To help increase communication, we are currently working on a initiative called Time to Talk. This aims to encourage parents to talk to their children about sex and relationships, by offering them support and giving them the confidence to have what are potentially difficult and embarrassing conversations with their children.

Parents wanting more information on Time to Talk can call our confidential helpline 0808 800 2222 or look at our website


Parentline Plus.