THE headteacher of a Spa school said she was "humbled" to be nominated for a prestigious teaching award.

Pam Tildesley, of Westlands First School, spoke of how delighted she was to be short-listed to receive recognition in The Teaching Awards 2002.

The headteacher, who has been at the school for six years, will travel to the West Midlands' ceremony, which will be held at The University of Birmingham on Wednesday, July 3.

Here she will discover if she has been awarded the Leadership Trust Award for School Leadership in Primary School.

If Mrs Tildesley does receive the prestigious title she will be awarded a £3,000 prize package for the school and will be invited to the national ceremony, which is due to be held in London in October.

"It is absolutely thrilling to have been nominated by people at the school - it really is lovely," she said.

"So many people at the school said so many nice things about me in my nomination form, it is very humbling. A lot of people have had a hand in this, colleagues, governors, pupils and parents all deserve recognition and that is why, if I do win, it will be a family celebration between all of us here at the school," she added.

The West Midlands chair of judges, Anne Evans, said: "This year's judging has been the most challenging to date - I think all judges will confirm that it has been a privilege to be involved but one of the hardest tasks to single out a winner from so many good entries."