PRESIDENT Ann Thurrell opened the meeting by welcoming two visitors.

A letter received from Jackie Gregory was read out, thanking all who had contributed to the shoebox appeal or knitted jumpers.

Congratulations were extended to Elizabeth Clement for her beautiful floral arrangement with Ascot as the theme. This had been exhibited at the Alvechurch Jubilee Flower Show on behalf of Hopwood WI.

The skittles team had done extremely well, finishing second in their league.

Guest speakers John and Margaret Powell had brought along part of their collection of Victorian parlour games.

In the early 1900s, families would sit around the table playing such games.

Many were exquisitely carved from wood while others were flimsy paper structures.

Today some of the games with firing mechanisms would be banned as being too dangerous.

Wyre Piddle was the venue for the May lunch followed by a visit to the Beckford Silk Mills.

Lunch next month will be at Baddesley Clinton, when it is hoped the weather will be kind enough for a walk around the grounds afterwards.

The next meeting at Hopwood Village Hall will be on July 4 when we will hear about Bob's Bottles.