U3A: The Evesham U3A meeting is to be held on Thursday, July 4, in the Public Hall at 2pm. The speaker is Paul Oppenheimer, MBE, and his subject is 'From Belsen to Buckingham Palace. New members are always welcome.

RAMBLERS: At the allotted start time, the rain, including hailstones, was falling heavily. Our group of 30 ramblers gathered briefly for our leader's briefing and before we could change our minds, we were off.

May is always a pretty month with lush new growth establishing itself on the countryside and the route for our walk proved no exception. We started through the water meadows alongside the River Stour and on through the villages of Barcheston, Willington and Burmington; pretty and peaceful little places, only just off the main road but new sights to most of us. In particular the Manor House at Burmington gathered many complimentary comments. The hail did not develop and whilst the rain continued, it was not heavy. A short stretch of lane walking followed before taking to the fields again. Past Weston Mill and across another quiet country lane to find ourselves looking down an avenue of leafy oaks which stretched down to the valley floor and on beyond, up the slope. This was Weston Park owned by the Sheldon family.

Moving on we followed easy paths to cross the main road, through a convoy of motorcyclists enjoying a day out, and leading us eventually to Little Wolford where the Village Hall was clearly signed. Our picnic in the Hall provided an opportunity to boil the kettles for a fresh cup of tea. Although the rain had ceased, it was a little too chilly for an open-air picnic. Suitably refreshed we set off across the fields to the outskirts of Todenham, then out past the Manor along well defined track and quiet country lane to Ditchford Frary. This, we were told, was the site of one of several medieval villages (little in evidence today) in the area and also was a stop on the Stratford to Ilmington Tramway - which few claimed to remember despite it not being medieval.

A little muddier underfoot in the afternoon we continued via tracks and paths to reach the outskirts of Shipston, the car park and tea at the White Bear.

For details of Evesham Rambling Club phone 01386553661.