IT never rains but it pours. Two planning applications for a cinema in Kidderminster, fantastic - well, almost.

The B&Q plan in Crossley Park is excellent, perfect for parking, with a virtually ready-made building.

The Centros Miller plan is disastrous, as it means the demolition of the Piano Building, yet another part of Kidderminster's industrial heritage gone for ever.

The Piano Building doesn't look too smart at the moment, but with the windows reinstated and properly renovated it could serve as a museum and art gallery, or possibly a live music venue, which the town is sorely lacking.

With a restaurant and bar and frontage to the proposed town square and canal, it could become a real asset to the whole Wyre Forest area.

So come on Wyre Forest District Council, stand true to your own stated aims of preserving the heritage and character of Kidderminster. Pass the B&Q plan and reject the plan put forward by Centros Miller.


Wolverley Road
