A HANGING basket display in the centre of Evesham has had to be removed because of the activities of thieves and vandals.

"It is very disappointing after all the trouble we have been to," said Chris Ridge, manager of Yates Court, the sheltered housing scheme for the elderly.

She explained: "Last year we put some hanging baskets up because we were told the front of the premises looked a bit bare and they were fine.

"We did the same this year and had one stolen last week. We replaced it but over the weekend someone has taken another one and tampered with the chains on others."

Mrs Ridge said because of the safety issues she could not risk leaving the remaining baskets out and so had removed them.

She said Steve Woodhall and his disabled wife, Cindy, had been travelling from Eckington every two days to water and care for the baskets and they were very upset at what had happened.

The national judges for the Britain in Bloom competition will be coming to Evesham next Monday. The Evesham in Bloom competition will be judged on Thursday, July 11.

4 Volunteer Stephen Woodhall with one of the baskets. dc1456 Picture by STUART PURFIELD