Ashorne Hall, near Warwick, was the venue for the July meeting, when members were led on a guided tour of the Nickelodeon Collection of mechanically played musical instruments.

There were examples of self-playing pianos, drums, accordions, violins, magic pictures, dance organs and a banjo band.

After supper in the ballroom, members were entertained by the Mighty Cinema Organ Show, when they watched the original black and white cinema film of the Queen's Coronation in 1953.

The Wurlitzer pipe organ then provided a musical accompaniment to a silent movie.

The evening ended with everyone joining in songs of the '40s.

The next outing will be a visit to Stockton Bury Gardens at Kimbolton, Leominster.

The coach will leave Areley Kings parish room at 6.30pm on Thursday, July 11.