With respect to Mr Pritchards reply to my letter in the Evesham Journal 20 June.

It is only recently that I have written to the council with regards my opposition to this subsidy to developers as a Tax Payer and it is only THIS WEEK in fact the 17 June, that Mr Pritchard invited me to discuss this situation with him personally, so lets have the record straight. However as a result of my letter I have had numerous people ring and talk to me about this situation and like me they are not happy.

Mr Pritchard is well aware, the main question I have written to the council about was regarding the environment, but alas he has now seen fit to once more fudge the issue by interlacing the two arguments. I'm sure Wychavon District Tax Payers will be comforted by the Ombudsman's decision, but will he pay the increased tax bills? It is time that this free service was stopped, let the developers pay their own costs.

H.Carter, Lavender Walk, Evesham.