I DON'T know what Andrew Geuter was alluding to when he wrote his letter about Prince Arthur's funeral (You Say, June 4).

I was under the impression that the recreation of the Prince's funeral was organised by the civil authorities - certainly not by the Catholic Church.

I also don't see what Arthur's death had to do with the demise of Roman Catholicism in England. His successor Henry VIII was Catholic - until he fell out with Rome - and so was Henry's daughter, Mary Tudor.

As far as Britain's eagerness to return to Rome's tyranny, one may find Anglican bishops and Rabbis sitting in the House of Lords, but there are no Cardinals waiting to enter the place.

And in retrospect, I think the Catholic Church in England is rather fortunate, inasmuch that unlike the Anglican Church, it is not burdened with raising millions of pounds to restore and maintain the cathedrals of this land.

