A TOP refugee expert has urged people throughout Worcestershire to welcome asylum seekers to Throckmorton.

Juliet Olivo from The Refugee Council has called for people in the county to get involved in activities when the asylum centre is opened in the village.

She stressed it is the responsibility of local people to embrace the asylum seekers and help them integrate with the community.

"Integration starts with participation and if the asylum seekers are isolated it's going to offer even more barriers," she said.

"It's our responsibility to make sure their experience is a positive one.

"Now is the time to start pressuring for an involvement in this centre, for organising, and volunteering inside and outside the centre."

But she revealed that The Refugee Council has criticised the size and location of the planned Throckmorton centre.

"The Refugee Council sees a real problem with the fact that children are going to be educated at the centre.

She stressed that the council would rather see more, smaller centres accommodating up to 100 asylum seekers.

Ms Olivo added that their isolation would be compounded as they could remain in the centre for a couple of months, rather than weeks.

Mohammed Aslam, chief executive of Worcestershire Racial Equality Council, revealed that the council will be involved with the new centre in three areas.

"Our first concern is community safety and second concern is that there's information available to the public.

"Thirdly we must be available to offer support to the asylum seekers resident at the centre.

He stressed that the Racial Equality Council will be on hand to stamp out any problems of discrimination and harassment.

Mr Aslam cited potential conflicts caused by housing Bosnians and Serbs in the same centre as one area where the council will be active.