A WELL-USED school room set in the heart of the Lickey Hills has re-opened following a £25,000 refurbishment.

The building by the visitor centre in Warren Lane is so popular that it's almost fully booked by schools across Birmingham and Worcestershire from now until December 2002.

A new roof, insulation, heating and lighting have now been added to the former workshop.

Park rangers worked closely with the Lickey Hills Consultative Committee throughout the refurbishment, which was paid for by the sale of an old park house, in Monument Lane, owned by Birmingham City Council.

City Cllr Ian Ward (Lab - Shard End), cabinet member for leisure, sport and culture, said: "The park rangers will be using the school room to run activities based on the national curriculum and will help children to learn about environmental issues in an entertaining way."

Lickey Hills head ranger Joe Hayden said "As well as providing a base for visiting schools, we will be throwing open the doors to community groups who wish to meet in more comfortable accommodation."

The refurbished school room is the first in a list of projects identified by the rangers following a £60,000 cash injection into the park.

For details about hiring the room out of school hours, for meetings, parties or craft exhibitions, call 0121 447 7106.