MRS R Caldwell accuses me of swinging and diverting my argument (You Say, June 18).

She clearly resented the contents of my intervention, in spite of my efforts to address her original points.

Pot, kettle and black spring to my mind.

Her original letter blamed Mr Blair for pushing Britain further into a Federal Europe by deceitful and manipulative means, while she conveniently left Messrs Heath, Thatcher and Major out of the European equation.

Then, in her recent letter, she tried to shield her beloved Mrs Thatcher by apportioning Britain's membership and subsequent merger into the European Union solely on Edward Heath and John Major.

Mrs Thatcher - in her recent published memoirs - suggested that Britain should re-draw its membership in the EU.

Well, why didn't the Iron Lady do something about Britain's membership during her three terms at Downing Street?

The concept of a Federal Europe is nothing new. The British and European chattering classes have been discussing European Federalism for well over 20 years.

It seems that Mrs Caldwell ignored this concept at her own peril.

As for championing my political ilk - who ever they may be - let's not forget that it was Mrs Thatcher's own political ilk that brought her down and rendered her powerless.

L SPITERI, Worcester.