THE issue of pregnancy termination is receiving considerable media coverage at present.

I refer to the review of the production The Atonement Child by Timothy Crow (Evening News, June 26) and the recent litigation brought by a health professional who claims her GP failed to warn her of the possible psychological consequences of an abortion (Radio 4, June 11).

As a member of the counselling team at the Cedar Tree (Pregnancy Crisis Centre) it has been my experience that women often suffer symptoms such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem following a termination, sometimes for years afterwards.

We are able to offer a course of counselling sessions that help in the healing process.

The decision to have an abortion is often made in a hurry. At the Cedar Tree we provide time, space and confidentiality to discuss and explore the options faced by a woman in a pregnancy crisis. She can then make an informed choice and receive support whatever she decides.

SUE CLARKE, Centre Director,

Cedar Tree Pregnancy Crisis Centre, Worcester.