ON May 9, members heard an interesting talk by Rachel Higgins, an artist who started her career as a painter. She now designs mechanical sculptures.

Mrs Higgins showed samples of her work, which were beautiful.

She specialises in animals including pigs, hares and birds, all made of metal, copper and other metals, even chain mail.

On May 23, Thelma held a coffee morning for members and friends.

Although the weather was not kind, everyone managed to have a good time at the bring and buy, which had a plant stall, home made cakes and raffle.

The speaker on June 13, Mrs Barbara Middlemass spoke about John Corbett, the Droitwich "Salt King".

He was born in June 1817 in Brierley Hill and started life in the canal trade, following his father who had some barges. He was the eldest of six children and left school at 11.

At the age of 23 he left the canals to take an apprenticeship with British Alkali in the village of Stoke Prior.

He went on to make a great success worldwide and in 1872 he bought Droitwich manor, which he rebuilt and named Chateau Impney.