FROM time to time you publish contributions from Stourport's perpetual candidate for elective office - James Millington.

The latest one (Letters, June 27) is critical of Health Concern.

It lists his own largely inaccurate presumptions, and issues a lecture based on his own fanciful assumptions.

Perhaps this has more to do with Health Concern refusing his frequent requests to accept him as our candidate in several elections.

Health Concern will continue to engage and discharge town, district, county and parliamentary business, item by item, as each occurs, from a democratic and practical standpoint, applied with sound commonsense and thoughtful experience and involvement, for the benefit of all our population.

We shall not rely on the egotistical needs of individuals nor dogma dictated from any national party caucus a long way from, and out of touch with, the needs of Wyre Forest.

We will just get on with the job.


Vice-chairman, Health Concern,

Wildwoods. Trimpley