100 years ago

July 5 1902

IN consequence of the King being pronounced to be out of immediate danger on Sunday, Lord Cranbourne, the Chairman of the Bonfires Committee, issued through the press an appeal for all bonfires which had been constructed for Coronation night to be ignited at 10 o'clock. A number of Evesham people went to Broadway and some to Bredon, while others contented themselves with walking to the high ground nearer the town, from which many fires could be seen.

75 years ago

July 9 1927

A VERY successful garden fete and fancy fair in aid of the Church of England Schools on Merstow Green, was held on the Workman Pleasure Grounds on Tues-day and Wednesday. The object of the fete was to raise money to put the schools into such a condition that they will satisfy the requirements of the Minister of Education. To do such work has been estimated at about £600.

50 years ago

July 5 1952

In his presidential address to the Worcester County Association of the Nation Union of Teachers at their annual meeting at Evesham Public Hall on Saturday, Councillor W. G Beckley urged the need for smaller classes in schools and demonstrated this by an analogy from horticulture. Mr Beckley, the fifth Eves-ham teacher in nearly 50 years to become president of the Association said: "The market gardens of the Vale of Evesham are very skilled and thoughtful men and get good results. They know exactly how far apart the sprouts have to be planted, and when to give them that 'bit of supper' that will make them move."

25 years ago

July 7 1977

Work started this week on a new psychiatric day hospital, which is to be built adjoining Avonside Hospital, Eves-ham. The new two-storey unit, which will have 20 day places, will incorporate facilities for psychiatric treatment, consul-ting rooms and physiotherapy. Mr G W Carney, Eveshams Hospitals'admin-istrator said that he hoped it would be open early in 1978. The new unit is part of a pilot scheme sponsored by the Department of Health and Security at Newtown, Worcester.