GERMAN students have been enjoying the sights of Worcester and beyond, thanks to a well-established link between the city and its twin town of Kleve.

They are heading back home today after a fun-packed stay with pupils from King's School and the Royal Grammar School in Worcester, as well as Holy Trinity School in Kidderminster and Dodderhill School in Droitwich.

They visited Worcester Mayor Robert Rowden at the Guildhall on Friday, and have also been to Oxford and London.

The pupils have come from Johanna Sebus Gymnasium and Konrad Adenauer Gymnasium. Twenty-seven students, aged 14 to 18, came to visit, 15 of them staying with King's School pupils.

King's School head of German, Caroline Hibberd, said the exchange had been a great success.

"They have been able to practice their English and get a great cultural experience," she said.

The English students involved in the exchange, which has been running for six years, visited Germany at Easter for eight days.

n Students from the German twin town of Kleve with pupils from King's School and the Royal Grammar School in Worcester, Holy Trinity School, Kidderminster and Dodderhill School, Droitwich, outside the Guildhall.

Picture by Mike Pollard. 26256609