THE problem of dangerous and anti-social airgun use is one that seriously threatens the health and safety of people, animals and property throughout the UK.

I am involved in a campaign to adopt further restrictions on the use of airguns. This would involve raising the legal age for use to 17 up from 14, and prohibiting use among 17-year-olds unless supervised by a 21-year-old adult.

A Bill I sponsored on this matter recently fell, and I have tabled an Early Day Motion, number 451, calling for a change in the minimum age for airgun use.

Support for this issue is growing. Every day, more MPs sign the EDM and I receive letters and other support for changing airgun legislation daily.

Airguns, if not properly used, represent a significant threat to children, adults, domestic and wild animals as well as property.

I plan to stay on top of this issue as it develops.


Chatham and Aylesford,

House of Commons,


London SW1A OAA