SUMMER camps to help relieve the stress of the school holidays will be taking place in Worcester.

University College Worcester has organised a number of them for children across the age groups under its Sports Centre Children's Summer Activity Programme.

The camps will run at the Henwick Road campus between Monday, August 5, and Friday, August 30, in four weekly sessions.

They are aimed at youngsters between five and 14 years of age and cost £12 a day for non-residential courses.

As well as general sporting activities, UCW is offering some specialist camps.

Running alongside the general activity events will be specialist gymnastic day camps in three age groups. Fully-qualified coaches are being supplied by Worcester Olympic Gymnastics Club and again the fee is £12 a day, which includes four sessions a day.

There's also a residential basketball programme in association with Worcester Wolves basketball team from Monday, July 29 through to Friday, August 2.

All coaching will be led by Worcester Wolves EBA qualified coaches and youngsters on the course will receive up to seven hours of tuition each day.

There will be skills sessions, conditioning sessions, visits by guest coaches, sports injury prevention advice, team play, shoot outs and tournaments. There will be a certificate and T-shirt for all participants. The cost of the week's course is £184 residential and £104 non-residential.

"The facilities we have here are fantastic and if a youngster is sport-minded and likely to get bored during August, this is the place for them," said Susie Hart, organiser of the summer activity programme.

"We'd advise any parents seeing this as the way forward for their children to get their places reserved as quickly as possible to avoid disappointment."

For further details of the courses and to book in your children, call UCW on 01905 855574, or drop in to reception at UCW.