PATIENTS who are violent or abusive to county hospital staff risk being banned under tough new rules.

The Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust is planning on introducing a "red card" policy, in which patients who are persistently violent or abusive are banned from hospitals for a year.

The plans are being tabled in the wake of a number of violent incidents against staff in hospitals in Worcester, Kidderminster and Redditch.

From September last year, until May 2002, 87 incidents of physical and 43 of verbal abuse were reported by staff.

Jeff Crawshaw, director of human resources at the Trust, said the new policy reflected the Trust's desire to eliminate violent and abusive behaviour towards staff.

It covers all aspects of abuse, including excessive noise, threats, racist or sexual remarks, violence, theft and drug abuse.

"The policy will give staff the confidence to tackle violent and abusive incidents to enable them to undertake their work safely," said Mr Crawshaw.

As part of the new system, staff will have a "quiet word" with any patient who is being violent or abusive.

If the behaviour persists, they will be given an informal warning, which will be documented in patient notes.

A yellow card will then be handed out if the informal warning is ignored, which will also be filed on patient notes, and if the patient ever gets violent or abusive again they will be given a red card.

They will then be banned from hospitals for a year, and if they turn up for emergency treatment will be assessed with the police present.

The Trust has also made it clear any crimes against property or staff will result in prosecution.

A decision on adopting the new policy is due to be made at a board meeting of the Trust on Wednesday, July 17.

It is thought the proposals will be put into action immediately.