FIRST SCHOOL: Harvington First School ends its summer term with its usual burst of activities not the least of which was the recent sponsored skip. This event was organised and accomplished by class 4 - Miss Ludlow's class of 8-9 year olds - who raised an astonishing £607 for the Heart Foundation by persuading parents, friends and well-wishers to donate very generously indeed and are to be most warmly commended on an exceptionally successful effort.

This final week will have seen (amongst other events such as the leavers' service and the plant judging) the annual presentation afternoon when prize-winners will have proudly taken home an impressive list of awards, many of them given for attributes of character, behaviour and service to others, as well as academic excellence, and presented for the last time in the small, crowded room which has had to serve as 'the hall' for generations past.

The new hall is scheduled for completion during the month of August and will be in use at the start of the new term. It is looking very promising, smart, airy, well-designed and the staff are looking forward eagerly to putting all its facilities to good use. The village, too, looks forward to the benefits which it will bring to the community in terms of leisure and sports provision. It is hoped that it will become a well-used and valuable asset.

One further item of interest in relation to school life is the headmistress's report on the success of the government initiative which provides fresh fruit daily to all children under seven. It was thought at first that this might be an extra and unwelcome chore, but this has proved to be by no means the case. Fruit (apples, pears, bananas, oranges - a different type each day) is delivered to the school, distributed by volunteer monitors from among the senior children and much enjoyed by the recipients.

ST JAMES' CHURCH FETE: Held last Saturday afternoon was blessed with beautiful weather which undoubtedly encouraged a record number of visitors and guaranteed a successful afternoon. The total raised was £2,300 - a very welcome boost to church funds - and the organiser, Mrs Sophie Dodds and her team of helpers were extremely grateful to everyone for all the support they had received. This came not only from those connected with the church but from many friends and well-wishers in and around the village and from local business people who very generously donated goods, produce and prizes, thus adding considerable attraction to various stalls and the main raffle. This kindness was, and is, very much appreciated. It was said, also, how pleasing it was to see so many people taking the trouble to attend and to spend money in support of this important and traditional church event. They, too, were warmly thanked by the Rector in his comments in church on Sunday morning.